Travel by Bus to Huanchaco in North Peru!

Huanchaco probably has the best beach in Peru. This old fishing village has recently become very popular, especially amongst surfers, due to some great waves. Located on the North coast of Peru and a few kilometers from Trujillo, this outstanding place has everything you need for a great time.
Its most characteristic features are the lovely "Totora horses" that are used by fishermen. These are little boats that come from the time of their ancient ancestors, the Chimus, and are said to be predecessor of the surfboard. You can see them daily navigating the waves and you are even able to have a go yourself on the famed Totora horses. If you want the modern version, there is all the surfing equipment available for hire for is a great day on the waves.
The place is simply a paradise with beautiful bars and restaurants and lots of parties to enjoy. The place has a fantastic view point from a gorgeous colonial church situated above the town. High season starts in December and ends in April.
Just a few kilometers from Huanchaco you can also visit the Chan Chan ruins. It was built by the pre-inca culture Chimu and in the peak of its development attained over 60.000 inhabitants. It is thought that it was built around the year 1300 A.D. The most amazing feature of this place is that it is a huge city made of adobe.
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